05 September 06,
Its a nice day so time for a short trip down some more of my great finds for the motorbike, mind you so far I have paid nearly 200 euro in fines for speeding, ahhhhhhh. but generally I am a good boy, one I still do not know were I got it, that was for 32k over the limit, I have been down that route loads of times and I can not find the camera, the second proved that I can accelerate from the traffic lights to 80k in the blink of an eye, well I did blink when that irritating flash went off.
Still don't cry over spilt milk eh!
So to-days trip takes me north on the A22 till I get to the turnoff Karneuburg West, there is a nice big castle on the hill there, I have yet to visit it soon, if I do i will put it on my website. then I take the Stockerau road then by the Honda bike shop turn right to

Unterrohrbach, go staight throug the village, some of it is a bit posh, I think those with money stay here.
you will come to a crossroads

it look a bit strange but go straight across and pass some farm houses, then off into the countryside heading towards Wiessen, at the moment the road in this village is all dug up as in a lot of the villages at the moment but the open roads are great, just be careful of tractors and some times they bring muck and grit onto the road, but its not that bad.

Go straight through Wiessen and we head towards Leitzersdorf, (Dorf is village, Brunn is town and Stadt is city, in genaral ) so when you arrive at the next village/Dorf you

will come to a T junction, turn right through the village, there is a gastoff on the right in which I have seen bikers using, sitting outside having as drink, anyway not today. Just as you leave the village there is a right turn to make

its just after the sign that tells you you have left the village, then you are on this lovely road with painted trees, keeping at 100k its fun, its only just wide enough for one car and a bike to pass, but you have great visibility so its fairly safe to have fun

, we are now taking the signs for Großmugl, ( ß is ss in German eg. Groß is gross get it) Anyway watch out for the next T junction it creeps up on you fast, turn left

Then some nice sweepers to another junction, turn Right towards Roseldorf

You will see on the left strange buildings that go into the ground, these are cellars for the storage and making of wine, though most of them are not used these days. Straight through the village to Großmugl

, you will be getting used to how similar all these villages are now, but I guess its the same in England certain areas have typical stiles and layouts. You will arrive at a bend that goes right, its a crossroad and you have to turn left,

direction Hollabrunn, After a short time you will arrive at the village of Steinabrunn, which is a little different an I quite like it the way its nessled in the Dale, I took a shot in the village

So now we set off for Hollabrunn passing Füllersdorf

after this dip you go through some nice treelined twisties, great fun though visability round the bends is a bit restricted, its a popular place for walkers so watch out for the sparadic parked cars, and finaly we arrive in Hollabrunn for a coffee or food etc.

nn.gv.at/ Check it out. Ta Ta for now