Monday 3rd July, filled up with petrol and set out about 11o'clock, direction
St. Pölten. It is there I wanted to pick up the A road 20 direction Bruck. I have wanted to ride this road for a long time now, the weather is a little on the cool side for this time of year but that's ok. The Autobarn to St Pölten was uneventfull and I was there within the hour, traffic at first on the 20 was fairly heavy but after about 20k it thinned out. Then oh what a ride, the road lived up to expectations, the signs for motorcycles to go not too fast, meant I was in for a treat. As I rode of into the mountains I could not help the cheesy grin on my face, the senery was epic. Then I started to climb, 2 bikers I past were taking pics of each other coming round one of the great bends in the road, even when the road hairpinned it was swept well. Eventuallyly I got to the top and what a view.

But still the road climed and climed till I was in the clouds, watching them come of the trees like steam was fascinating, but back to concentrationon, some of these bends can catch you out if your not careful, I was averaging 80k per hour I reckon with a top speed no more than 120k, that give me time to see some of this great landscape, coming down into the valley was breathtaking, the road now twists more sharply and it is damp from the clouds, so its easy on everything for a drop of I guess 500M. At the bottom the road straighten and you can push it a bit more.

Now I come to serieses of small man made crystalal clear lakes, time for a rest

So refreashed of I go again, 200k has gone since my last fueling, I make it a point to fill every 200k, so I did, very friendly people these Austrians, bikes are more accepted here than England I think, but not having lived in the UK for over 10 years maybe things have changed. I soon catches up with a guy on a Triumph Sprint just after I had filled up, the road is a little more twisty and I am having trouble keeping up with him, so I start using the gears a little more, he is so smooth, I am wishing I was that good, but he is not loosing me, then Ha Ha he is also going towards his limit, I am not that bad after all, he waves me past and he follows me the rest of the way to Bruck, he went direction Graz and I turn towards Vienna on the Autobarn S6, its a fast road and some fast sweepers, when I get to Neunkirchen I turn off, on to the 17, from my last blog you Know the 17 is not that good, but lots of traffic lights and rounabouts, did some drag starts from the lights all the way to Vienna, will spend the night picking the bugs from my teeth, Yes a great day, the trip was about 370k and took about 5 and a half hours, there are pleanty of Ghast Houses and I think it would be good one day to take some walking boots and make a weekend of it