My present Bike is a Suzuki GSX750 Inazuma, she is a pretty black model, its not the fastest, or the most powerful, but she can be driven in comfort all day, go a lot faster than the legal limit except in Germany, but autobarn riding is not for me, in the city of Vienna she is perfectly at home and in the twisties just outside she is fun.
The biggest problem with Austria is the police are everywhere, hiding behind signs, bushes, houses, if you want to speed here, carry lots of cash in your wallet!!!!!!!! A couple of weekends ago driving south between Vienna and Graz trying to avoid the big rain clouds, coming from a good twisty bit followed by another biker on a Yamaha YZF 1000, my girlfriend on the back, we came down the hill into a village, ( here in Austria, there are no speed signs when entering a village, the Name of the village sign is the 50km zone) there I am doing 80+ and I spots the police man, so on with the anchors and he tries to get a shot on me, but I am moving about to much and he gives up, I gave him a wave as to say hard luck as I went passed but he did not acknowledge me hummm.
I recently fitted Michelin Pilots to the bike, and I am very impressed, do not worry about the tyres anymore. Worth every penny/ cent.
In the Future I will try to Photograph and document trips short and long some what better, but here for now are some nice rides.
Just to the north of Vienna not 15 mins is Klosterneuburg, my favorite area for that couple of hours fun, it is great up there, lots of views and tight twisty roads, some are cobbled and take a bit of getting used to, from up there I travel direction Tullin, its a great road through the Forrest and down to Tullin were you can sit outside have a drink and food if you wish.
The other good ride which takes about 6-8 hours is to Graz and back, take the 17 to Wiener Neustadt then the 54 to Graz, the road 54 is awesome though the 17 is not that good. Graz is a beautiful City and well worth a walk round or even stay the night, for info www.graztourism.at .
Also www.wien.at www.vienna.at